

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. In the root, run npm install. This will install the server-side JavaScript dependencies into node_modules/.
  3. Run the application: ./bin/www
  4. Go to http://phaser.io and view some examples
  5. Navigate to http://phaser.io/examples/v2/tilemaps/csv-map-collide
  6. Create a new folder inside public called assets.
  7. Download the three necessary asset files and place them inside of public/assets:
  8. Replace the code in public/javascript/game.js with this example file:
  9. In game.js, find the line that executes new Phaser.Game and replace its 4th argument from phaser-example to phaser
  10. Modify the paths in preload() to match the path we downloaded everything to—namely, assets/ (the web framework removes the public part).
  11. (optional) Uncomment layer.debug to be true to see collision.
  12. Run the application again using ./bin/www
  13. Stop the application. Add the WebSocket Client code to public/javascripts/game.js: https://gist.github.com/awwong1/20b3acea02019f43a88f
  14. Add the client WebSocket instantiation at the bottom of the create() method:

    this.client = new Client();
  15. Add a UUID generator in the client to create unique IDs for each player. Create a new function with the following: http://stackoverflow.com/a/105074/6626414. Cite it in your source code.
  16. Update the server-side JavaScript (app.js) to handle players instead of the one rabbit object: https://gist.github.com/awwong1/90d50ffa41cfc5ef7ea4
  17. Set the variables of the class within game.js to equal the following:

    var map;
    var layer;
    var cursors;
    var players = {};
    var id = guid();
    players[id] = {};
    var player = players[id];
  18. Add the following code to the bottom of the update() method:

    if (this.client.connected) {
            uuid: id,
            x: player.x,
            y: player.y
  19. Modify the client onMessage() function to equal the following: https://gist.github.com/awwong1/2280e439b81c0fa666f7
  20. Run the application. Open up a new browser window and run the application. What happens?


  1. What is a WebSocket? Why were they created?
  2. What is long-polling? Briefly explain what code you would need in the browser-side JavaScript and what code you would need the server-side to enable long-polling.
  3. Why should WebSockets be used instead of long-polling?
  4. What does the constructor of the Client class do?
  5. WebSockets require callback methods. In the openConnection() method of the Client, these are set by using the following:

    this.ws.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this).
    this.ws.onerror = this.displayError.bind(this);
    this.ws.onopen = this.connectionOpen.bind(this);

    Why is Function#bind() necessary? In other words, why couldn’t the code just do this?

    this.ws.onmessage = this.onMessage;
    this.ws.onerror = this.displayError;
    this.ws.onopen = this.connectionOpen;
  6. What is Phaser (in the context of this lab)?